Halogen Audio was approached by Westlake Boys High School to improve their auditorium’s AV system.
Westlake Boys have a very busy auditorium that gets used for many different type of events, functions and dinners, not only internal school events but also external hires.
It was obvious to Lee McClement from Westlake Boys that their audio system was not adequate.
Halogen Audio has installed a QSC KLA series line array system with three line elements flown per side. This new system now offers them far greater audio coverage on the auditorium and is achieving the much higher SPL they were much in need of.
Halogen Audio also re-cabled the auditorium to accommodate the new system and to be able to use a new Digital console and Digital snake on stage.
The second phase of this installation was followed up by the implementation of a QSC Q-SYS CORE250i. Also installed is a digital lectern that interfaces with the Core 250i.
Westlake Boys now enjoys an automated AV system in their auditorium.
The video system was completely upgraded with the installation of a new Kramer video matrix switch. The auditorium had to be cabled for this new video system as existing cabling could not accommodate this new technology.
The digital lectern thus interfacing with the Core has been programmed so that any video sources can be distributed to any video output or any projector at a push of a button. The lectern is a fully functioning Windows based computer so making any presentation extremely easy.